12/30/2008, 標竿刊物 | Souryavong Family |
When our son Andrew was diagnosed with autism, we went through all the emotions of denial, anger, sadness, fear, and confusion. Raising a child is hard enough, raising an autistic child is another story. It will test you like nothing else. I have sometimes fell like giving up.
I grew up without my father for the most part of my life, and when Andrew was born I prayed for Him to guide me. I now know He works in wondrous ways. I know God gave me Andrew not to only teach me what it takes to be a father, and He did not give me Andrew to fix, but God gave me Andrew to fix me.
2HOC has touched my family in so many ways and has welcomed us with open arms, without judgment, and loving Andrew like one of their own. I have found my God again. This has given my family the strength and the courage to go on and believe this is all part of His plan for us.
God loves us not because He owes us, not because we deserve it, but because HE IS LOVE. This is our daily bread.
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沈牧師靈修分享:羅馬書(28)9:25-33 (10/3/2024)
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