2HOC is where I grew up learning about Christianity since I was 5 yrs old. It was a place of fellowship that I always counted on during my grade school years. The foundation for my faith in God was primarily built through the different ministries of this church. Church leaders emphasized love, outreach, and a selfless attitude. The hundreds of Sundays and Friday nights I spent at 2HOC did not go to any waste. Fellow brothers and sisters strengthened my faith through their testimonies, encouragement, and prayers. Seeing the many faces that have grown up from timid toddlers to young and Christ-serving adults has been an awesome blessing. Much thanks to the many parents in 2HOC that always made it feel like a comforting home.
主日崇拜及靈修分享 親愛的弟兄姊妹,教會目前仍然保持主日崇拜網路直播及實體開放同時進行。想參加網路直播的弟兄姊妹, 請點擊以上按鈕就可以看到基督之家二家的主日崇拜直播。謝謝。
教會每週一次的網上靈修分享,除了最新的一課在首頁直接登載播出之外,也在「牧者的話」逐日登載播出。弟兄姊妹如果因故沒有及時靈修,可以到「牧者的話」去搜尋。從2022年九月開始,教會的靈修分享也同步登載於博客(Podcast) App.弟兄姊妹可以在 Podcast 上搜尋“基督二家”, 就可以找到 “沈牧師靈修分享”。
沈牧師靈修分享:羅馬書(35)12:6-13 (11/21/2024)
卽日起弟兄姊妹可在下列時間點擊按鈕與牧師面對面在網上交通禱告: 沈有方牧師:週三, 五 10-11AM 凌偉健牧師:週二, 四 11AM-12 (輸入密碼123)
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