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6/28/2022Esther Tung

宣教士Esther Tung宣教工場狀況報告   6-28-2022

Since January there was an outbreak of Covid 19 leading to the 5th wave of infections in Hong Kong so prison visitations, Chaplain visits and Bible classes were all stopped.  Currently prison visitations and Bible classes have not yet resumed.   During this time there was a big outbreak in the prisons and many inmates and staff were infected.  However since Mid April the situation had stabilised inside and by the beginning of May the inmates had resumed working inside.

In May the chaplains were allowed back into the prisons to carry out one to one visitation of inmates.  So I have been returning back to visit the women's prisons.  The inmates were very happy to receive visitations again however they truly miss the Bible classes.   Please pray that the Bible studies can be resumed again before too long inside.


- Please pray for strength as I have had to take on more visitation due to the high needs inside.   Quite a lot of the Other Nations (Non Chinese) inmates' personal visitors have not been able to visit them due to being sick with the covid or not being able to meet the vaccine pass requirements which are now in place for personal visitors.  I've also had to take on visitation of more Cantonese speaking inmates as our other female chaplains are currently unavailable to visit the inmates.   So please pray for the grace of God to be able to understand all that the inmates share and to be able pass on the word of God in Cantonese by the help of His Spirit.


- We have been focusing more on the aftercare ministries, personally it has been good to follow up with the ex-inmates and spend more time getting to know them and empowering them in Spirit and in truth.   Previously when the height of the 5th wave was great we used zoom to undertake ministry however now that the covid numbers are much lower it is still not easy to meet together as there are restrictions on gatherings and vaccine passes apply for many places (the people we minister to may not meet these requirements).  So please pray that the situation can ease further so we can more freely minister.  Also that we can have good quality smaller gatherings.


- Please pray for our relationships with volunteers who have not been able to visit the prisons for a long time.  Pray that they can keep their passion for this ministry so that when the visits start they would continue to serve with commitment and joy.



Best regards,


Esther Tung


Chief Ministry Officer

The Hong Kong Christian Kun Sun Association


Tel: 2728 2341

Fax: 2725 6478

Email: esthertung@ksa.org.hk

Website: www.ksa.org.hk


1 月以來,Covid 19 爆發導致香港出現第五波感染,因此監獄探視、牧師探視和聖經課程都停止了。目前監獄探視和聖經課程尚未恢復。在此期間,監獄爆發了大規模疫情,許多囚犯和工作人員被感染。然而,自 4 月中旬以來,內部情況已趨於穩定,到 5 月初,囚犯已恢復在內部工作。

5 月,牧師獲准返回監獄,對囚犯進行一對一探視。所以我一直在回來探望女子監獄。囚犯們很高興再次接受探視,但他們真的很想念聖經課。請祈禱在裡面久之後可以再次恢復聖經學習。


- 請為我所需要的服事力量祈禱,因為由於內部的高需求,我須要做更多的探視。相當多的其他國家(非華裔)囚犯的人探視者由於感染了新冠病毒或無法滿足現在針對人探視者的疫苗要求而無法探視他們。我還不得不接受更多講粵語的囚犯的探視要求,因為我們的其他女牧師目前無法探視囚犯。所以請祈求上帝的恩典,讓他們能明白囚犯所分享的一切,並能藉著聖靈的幫助,用粵語把上帝的話傳下去。


- 我們一直更關注善後事工,就個人而言,跟進前囚犯花更多時間了解他們,加強他們的靈性和真理上的了解,是一件值得做的事。以前,在第五波高峰期的時候,我們使用 zoom 來進行事工但是現在 covid 人數雖然要少得多,聚會仍然不容易,因為聚會受到限制,許多地方需要疫苗通行證(我們服事的人可能不符合這些要求)。所以請祈禱情況可以進一步緩和,這樣我們就可以更自由地服侍。此外,也為我們可以舉辦高質量的小型聚會來禱告


- 請為我們與長期無法訪問監獄的志願者的關係祈禱。祈求他們能保持對這項事工的熱情,以便在探訪開始時,他們能繼續帶著承諾和喜樂服事。



親愛的弟兄姊妹,教會目前仍然保持主日崇拜網路直播及實體開放同時進行。想參加網路直播的弟兄姊妹, 請點擊以上按鈕就可以看到基督之家二家的主日崇拜直播。謝謝。

教會每週一次的網上靈修分享,除了最新的一課在首頁直接登載播出之外,也在「牧者的話」逐日登載播出。弟兄姊妹如果因故沒有及時靈修,可以到「牧者的話」去搜尋。從2022年九月開始,教會的靈修分享也同步登載於博客(Podcast) App.弟兄姊妹可以在 Podcast 上搜尋“基督二家”, 就可以找到 “沈牧師靈修分享”。


沈牧師靈修分享:羅馬書(28)9:25-33 (10/3/2024)


沈有方牧師:週三, 五 10-11AM
凌偉健牧師:週二, 四 11AM-12